====== Play MP3 from the command line ====== My favorite software is [[http://mpg123.org/|mpg123]] because it is simple and doens't need a lot of resources. Start it with the -C parameter, so you will be able to enter command during the play. mpg123 -C /path/to/your/mp3/album/* Type h during the play to display the available commands. -= terminal control keys =- [s] or [ ] interrupt/restart playback (i.e. '(un)pause') [f] next track [d] previous track [b] back to beginning of track [p] loop around current position (don't combine with output buffer) [.] forward [,] rewind [:] fast forward [;] fast rewind [>] fine forward [<] fine rewind [+] volume up [-] volume down [r] RVA switch [v] verbose switch [l] list current playlist, indicating current track there [t] display tag info (again) [m] print MPEG header info (again) [h] this help [q] quit [c] or [C] pitch up (small step, big step) [x] or [X] pitch down (small step, big step) [w] reset pitch to zero [k] print out current position in playlist and track, for the benefit of some external tool to store bookmarks