I list here the software I install after a fresh new installation of a XUbuntu distro.
sudo apt-get install pyrenamer usb-creator-common usb-creator-gtk unrar chmsee
sudo apt-get install jedit git vim-gtk meld ipython3 ipython3-qtconsole ipython3-notebook
sudo apt-get install filezilla nmap wireshark vino vinagre netdiscover
sudo apt-get install mplayer ffmpeg mpg123 vlc sound-juicer lame minitube
sudo apt-get install libreoffice rednotebook
sudo apt-get install sshfs encfs cryptsetup keepassx
sudo apt-get install gparted gnome-disk-utility lm-sensors hardinfo mesa-utils
sudo apt-get remove abiword gmusicbrowser gnumeric gimp sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get autoclean